You Say
You Get
Show Dictation Box
Displays the NaturallySpeaking Dictation Box.
After dictating the text, place the cursor in the target application
where the text is to be placed and say "transfer
See the Dragon Help for more information.
Transfer Text
Transfers the text to the destination
Place the cursor at the position in the destination application where
the Dictation Box text should be placed, then say Transfer Text.
Hidden Mode On/Off
Not available in
non-medical and Medical Small Practice editions
Starts Hidden Mode for the Dictation box. All speech will
transcribed into the hidden Dictation Box until the Hidden Mode Off, Show Dictation Box or Transfer Text commands are
issued. Very few commands are available when using Hidden Mode --
See the Dragon Help for more information.
- Dragon Medical 10.0:
Say Hidden Mode Off to turn off
Hidden Mode and
allow dictation to
return to the current application
- Dragon Medical 10.1:
Hidden Mode automatically turned off when text is transferred.
If the Dictation Box content is
pasted into the desired application or somehow "lost", return the
to where the text was to have been placed, then say " Past
to retrieve the last Dictation Box contents. This technique can
be used to restore the text to the Dictation Box itself.
that the Dictation box be configured
to place text in the Windows Clipboard.
Why use the Dictation Box commands?
may be very difficult to dictate into because NaturallySpeaking has one
or more of these problems:
- The cursor jumps around unexpectedly to a new spot on
the page.
- The Select ... and Correct ... Commands do not work
- The Insert Before ... and Insert After ... commands
do not work.
The Dictation Box commands may help in these situations. The
command "Show Dictation Box"
will display the Dictation Box
Screen. You can dictate into this box with full NaturallySpeaking
functionality. Once the dictation is completed with all revisions
and corrections, click into the application at the point where the text
is to be inserted and simply say "Transfer
text". The text will
be "dropped" into the application wherever the cursor is placed.
Additional Dictation Box commands
Dictation Box
When the dictation
box text is transferred, the Dictation Box is closed. With the
default settings, if the text should fail to transfer properly for any
reason the text is no longer available. To protect against this
situation, check the box marked Keep
transferred text in clipboard in
the Dictation Box Options screen (On the Dragon Bar, click Tools, Options, Dictation Box
Dictation Box
"Anchored" and "Unanchored" Modes |
Dictation Box Anchored Mode anchors the Dictation
Box to the application from which it was stated and the text will be
transferred automatically to that application. In Unanchored Mode the Dictation Box
text is transferred into the application selected with the mouse.
- The default Anchor Mode is Unanchored.
- Hidden Mode
is not available when in Anchored Mode.
- The Anchor Mode is set in the Miscellaneous Tab of Administrative Settings and is only
available to someone with Admin rights for the computer.
- The Anchor Mode setting applies to all users on that
- Individual Dictation Box settings can configured in
the Dictation
Box Tab of the Options Screen (Dragon Bar, Tools, Options)
See the Dragon Help for Dictation Box for more information. |
- 1.0, 03/01/10 Initial
© 2010 EXAQ, Inc.,
Sacramento, California